- 2615 1366x768 american paint horse, horse, black and white
- 8220 1366x768 feather, macro, black and white
- 8111 1366x768 trees, road, black and white
- 8707 1366x768 mesh, hexagons, black and white
- 15547 1366x768 keyboard, backlight, black and white
- 3106 1366x768 fractal, shapes, black and white
- 5311 1366x768 camera, retro, black and white
- 6133 1366x768 chess, pieces, black and white
- 5065 1366x768 butterfly, flower, black and white
- 5118 1366x768 yacht, clouds, black and white
- 4631 1366x768 fractal, abstraction, black and white
- 5339 1366x768 spots, dots, black and white
- 5029 1366x768 stones, stack, black and white
- 4903 1366x768 branches, blur, black and white
- 1644 1366x768 building, architecture, black and white