- 40237 480x800 lilys of the valley, bouquet, bells
- 26791 480x800 lilys of the valley, flowers, bells
- 18111 480x800 lilys of the valley, vase, lilac
- 17281 480x800 lilys of the valley, bells, close-up
- 16146 480x800 lilys of the valley, flowers, bouquet
- 14907 480x800 lilys of the valley, flower, herbs
- 12592 480x800 lilys of the valley, peonies, flowers
- 11564 480x800 lilys of the valley, bells, leaves
- 11290 480x800 lilys of the valley, flowers, primroses
- 10768 480x800 lilys of the valley, flowers, bells
- 14508 480x800 ranunkulyus, lilys of the valley, tulips
- 12092 480x800 roses, lilys of the valley, flowers
- 17594 480x800 chrysanthemums, flowers, bouquet